How to create a new group

Last updated on

Creating groups and assigning courses and learners to them is a simple and efficient way to manage teams of people. Once you’ve assigned a learner to a group, you can synchronise their access to all the courses linked to the group.

To create a new group, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Groups tab.

2. Click on Add Group.

Click groups and add group

3. Fill in the new group’s title and add a description.

4. If you want to activate the group as soon as you’ve finished creating it, switch on Active.

5. Expand the Linked Courses menu.

Complete the group details

6. Tick to select any of your courses that you want included in the new group – you don’t need to decide now if you don’t want to, you can edit these options at any time.

7. Click Add Group.

Select courses and add group

You have now created a new group and assigned courses to it.

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